quinta-feira, dezembro 28, 2006

segunda-feira, dezembro 25, 2006

quarta-feira, dezembro 20, 2006

Vote for 2006 Swimpixx Guy of the Year!

A: Sunga Verde
B: Strings Out
C: Cooling Off
D: Totally Hot

E: Sexy

F: 2 Thumbs Up

G: Just Plain Hot

H: Thank God It's Sexta!

Who was your favorite Swimpixx Guy in 2006?
A: Sunga Verde
B: Strings Out
C: Cooling Off
D: Totally Hot
E: Sexy
F: 2 Thumbs Up
G: Just Plain Hot
H: Thank God It's Sexta!
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Quarta-feira, Dezembro 20, 2006: just plain hot