Hello, I visited your site, http://swimpixx.blogspot.com/ , today and really like it.
I run a site similar to yours, and was wondering if you would like to trade links with me?
You can see my site at http://celebrity.nachofoto.com/. I would give your site a prominent listing on my page at http://celebrity.nachofoto.com/ , if you would be willing to do the same.
3 comentários:
I visited your site, http://swimpixx.blogspot.com/ , today and really like it.
I run a site similar to yours, and was wondering if you would like to trade links with me?
You can see my site at http://celebrity.nachofoto.com/. I would give your site a prominent listing on my page at http://celebrity.nachofoto.com/ , if you would be willing to do the same.
Best regards,
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Hi there!
I really like your blog, it has been inspirational for me.
I have recently started a blog myself and placed a link to yours on it.
I was wondering whether you wanted to da the same?
Thanks already and grtz,
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